2024-25 Board Members
President: Lili Hamra
Vice President: Lili Hsieh
Secretary: Lisa Massura
Treasurer: Tamila Leychkis
Join our board meetings!​
​The Carmel Valley Middle School Music Boosters is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, registered with the State of California. The goal of the organization is to support the instrumental music program at CVMS through fundraising and volunteer activities. Typical meeting tasks would be to discuss budget and fundraising, upcoming concerts and community gatherings, volunteers for various events, and much more. Please see our event calendar for board meetings.
More volunteers are needed to help run the CVMS Music Foundation. Music parents, this is the place to get together! During meetings, the CVMS Music Foundation is kept up-to-date on music happenings. In addition to board member roles, we need volunteers to organize coffee concerts, bake sales, competitions, events and field trips and to serve as event chaperones. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer please email Mr. Patterson or click here to complete the interest form.