CVMS Music Classes
Bobcat Orchestra (Beginning/Intermediate)
The Bobcat Orchestra is a combined class open to new musicians, musicians who would like to learn a string instrument, or students with one year of prior string experience. All orchestras at CVMS are limited to string instruments, including: Violin, viola, cello, and bass. Professional instrumental coaches assist students in their instrumental studies. No audition is required for this ensemble. Participation in this ensemble will prepare students for success in the upper-level classes in their 8th grade year at CVMS or at the high school level.
Chamber Orchestra (Advanced)
The Chamber Orchestra is the most advanced String Orchestra at CVMS. Students perform a variety of literature at the advanced level while focusing on technical and expressive skills in an ensemble setting. Performance opportunities include school concerts and festivals throughout the year. Students in this class typically receive private instruction outside of school and are often accepted in additional ensembles such as the California All-State Honor Orchestra, Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association Honor Orchestra, Mainly Mozart Youth Symphony, and/or San Diego Youth Symphony. Professional instrumental coaches assist students in their instrumental studies. This is an auditioned ensemble.
Bobcat Band (Beginning)
The Bobcat Band is open to new musicians or to musicians who would like to learn a band instrument. All bands at CVMS are limited to wind and percussion instruments. Professional instrumental coaches assist students in their instrumental studies. The instruments offered include: Flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, French horn, trombone, tuba and percussion. No audition is required for this ensemble. Participation in this ensemble will prepare students for success in the upper-level band classes in their 8th grade year at CVMS or at the high school level. Performance opportunities include school concerts and festivals throughout the year.
Symphonic Band (Intermediate)
The Symphonic Band provides students with an in-depth study of band repertoire at the intermediate level in preparation for performances and festivals throughout the year. Students will strengthen their technical skills and gain valuable experience in ensemble playing and performing. Students placed in Symphonic Band have either completed one year in Beginning Band, or have prior experience on a band instrument. Additionally, students may have the opportunity to transition to instruments that may not have been offered in Beginning Band. These include many of the larger and/or more expensive instruments, which can be provided by the school. This group of instruments includes: Oboe, bassoon, bass clarinet, French horn, euphonium and tuba. Performance opportunities include school concerts and festivals throughout the year. This is an auditioned ensemble.
Wind Ensemble (Advanced)
The Wind Ensemble is the most advanced band at CVMS. Students perform a variety of literature at the advanced level while focusing on technical and expressive skills in an ensemble-focused setting. Students in this class often receive private instruction outside of school and are often accepted in additional ensembles such as the California All-State Honor Band, Southern California School Band & Orchestra Association Honor Band, Mainly Mozart Youth Symphony, and/or San Diego Youth Symphony. Performance opportunities include school concerts and festivals throughout the year. This is an auditioned ensemble.
Jazz Band (Club)
Jazz Band is an ensemble that meets one to two times per week during students' lunch period. Instruments in this ensemble include: Flute, clarinet, alto sax, tenor sax, bari sax, trumpet, trombone, guitar, bass, piano and drumkit. Jazz Band is not a "class” and does not count for course credit. Rather, it is a group of dedicated students who meet regularly to rehearse and perform throughout the year. Selection of students is based on an audition or the discretion of the director. Because this is a club and not an elective class, selection, placement, and audition information will become available during CVMS’ "Club Day,” which takes place in early September.
For questions regarding the music classes offered at Carmel Valley Middle School, please email Mr. Patterson.