The Music Boosters keeps its expenses low by relying on parents who donate their time. Whether you can help for a single event or throughout the year, your gift of time is greatly appreciated. If you can help please contact Music Boosters President at president@cvmsmb.org or fill out the interest form below.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is responsible for attending regular meetings of the Board of Directors and voting on action items set forth on the agenda circulated by the secretary, such as expenditures of a significant size, changes in bylaws, voting in new officers and board members and similar actions.
The president of the Music Boosters oversees all aspects of the organization including fundraising, parent outreach, volunteer staffing for events, maintaining financial records and coordinating the activities of the Music Boosters with the music director, including but not limited to:
Planning and overseeing regular meetings of the Board of Directors;
Making presentations to parent groups;
Recruiting board members and volunteers;
Coordinating concerts and other events.
Vice President
The vice president assists the president and other officers in carrying out their responsibilities, including, for example:
Regularly attending meetings of the Board of Directors, proposing action and voting on proposals;
Coordinating outside services providers, such as videographers;
Overseeing events organized by the Music Boosters.
The treasurer maintains financial records of the corporation, handles deposits, disbursements and coordinates filing of taxes. Regularly attends meetings of Board of Directors, provides financial updates and proposes appropriate actions and votes on proposals.
The secretary is responsible for:
Creating and circulating agendas for meetings of the Board of Directors, ​
Maintains records associated with those meetings including attendance, presence of a quorum, business voted on and results of voting
Creates and circulates minutes from meetings and ensures they are approved at the following meeting.